My friend Moyra told me that this New Year she had arrived at some new intentions for 2011 rather than resolutions. Now that was an idea I could buy. Resolutions are so, well, resolute. There's no give; no space to err - which I hear is human. To intend to do something allows you to drop the ball and pick it back up and start again. You know, I intended to go to the gym in January but forgot, so I'll go in February. But if you break a resolution, well it sounds so serious and final. It makes you feel weakwilled and out of control.
Anyway, I've been thinking about my intentions for 2011. I've come up with two - both of which have been molded by experiences at the end of 2010. First, for about the first 5 weeks after our move to Washington DC I was terribly homesick. I grieved my family and friends, my home and my village. When I did things which were great fun I felt guilty, like I was somehow betraying home. Then Richard extolled the reality that we were released to come here by our friends and family, that although they missed us, they wanted us to experience everything God has for us in this place. So, intention number one is to grasp each opportunity with both hands and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime, whatever that looks like.
Since we arrived in America we have been overwhelmed by the kindness of strangers. Our little flock are amazing to us - they have welcomed us into their lives without hesitation and shown us Jesus. So intention number two is to be kind. I know we're called to love everyone, but some days I struggle with that; so maybe simply being kind is a good start. A kind word, a thoughtful note, and freely given smile , might just give someone hope in 2011.
So what are your intentions for 2011? Go on, I dare you.......