Saturday, 19 November 2011


It's been a year! Can you believe it? Yesterday was the one year anniversary of moving to the good old US of A. It brought a palpable sense of relief that we'd survived 365 days and been through everything once.

The year was that perfect mix of joy and pain. Leaving our family and friends, our lovely home, our delightful community brought feelings of loss which verged on the debilitating. But the Lord is faithful in turning our mourning into dancing! Laughter has followed us here.

The year was the ideal blend of old and new. Repeatedly we've seen God use experiences from the past ten years as preparation for this new context. Wisdom appears to be no respecter of circumstances - it'll hide in all things; it's just up to us to seek it.

The year was an engaging concoction of light and dark. We've been at the raw end of humanity and seen God's transformative grace turn the impossible into the possible.

We are truly thankful.

We have cheerleaders that call back and forth across the Atlantic; we have new (and some not so new!) friends here who hold up our arms and our needs and our dreams; we have food on the table and a cute room over our heads, clothes on our backs and feet fitted with holy and unholey shoes.

Thank-you for advocating for us; pestering the Lord for us; and for loving us as only you can.
We're only who we are because of you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I'm grateful for your lives and love among us. Very, very, very grateful.
