Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Steel in the Garden

One of my favorite movies of all time is Steel Magnolias. A stellar cast of big hitting stars takes you on a ride through Louisiana wit, loyalty and the circle of life. I'd never seen a magnolia flower or tree before we moved to Virginia. There are several trees in our neighborhood and they are amazing!

It's a primitive flower -  "Magnolia fossils have been found dating to between 36 and 58 million years ago, making this family one of the oldest angiosperms still living." It has stood the test of time, adapting to changing climates and contexts, but still loving rich, moist soil and plenty of sunlight for the best show of flowers.

Like the Southern heroes in the movie, the magnolia flowers have strength and beauty, adaptability and steadfastness. Each time I see one of these magnificent creations I am reminded of who I am. A resilient, grounded, beautiful women who can put on one hell of a show when I drink deep from the water of life and keep my eyes on the Son. 

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