Friday, 7 August 2015

Love and Marriage: The Beloved

Today's the day. Fifteen years ago I said "I will" and started on this life changing adventure. If you'd asked me then where we would be in 15 years time,  I would never have said that we'd be living in America with a 21 month old daughter of Marshallese descent; pastoring a church in Washington DC and the renters of a lovely home in Alexandria, VA. I could only have dreamt of the address book of incredible family and friends we have all over the world - they love us unconditionally, hold up our arms when we are weak and cheer lead us to run our race well.

There is also no way I could have imagined how well Richard, The Beloved, would love, know and care for me. He is a man of deep faith and conviction who passionately loves the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He adores me and Miss O and serves us tirelessly. If he could he would give us the earth, moon and stars he would. Richard knows my dreams and failures, desires and flatsides; he knows what to say to encourage and enrage me!

We've grown into each other over the past 21 years of being a couple, finishing each others thoughts, sensing each others hesitancy and joy. There is no one else I'd rather do this life with than Richard. He is my gift from God, my one and only. No matter the course of this life this much I know:

"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away."
Song of Songs 8 v7

Thank-you Beloved for being you and loving me.

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