Yesterday I sat down to write my blog much later in the day than usual. I'd spent the day playing in DC (more about that another day!) and so it was 8pm before I got a chance to write. Before starting I usually take a moment to pause, breath, pray and invite the Holy Spirit to prompt me. Last night's prompt - Watermelon. Ok then. It kinda made sense - it's summer, Miss O loves watermelon, I love watermelon, I adore watermelon and feta - voila! A blog post was born.
We currently have a dear friend from Northern Ireland staying with us and over breakfast this morning she casually asked "Did you know yesterday was National Watermelon Day when you wrote your blog?" Ah, nope. I'd no idea that every year on August 3rd the US celebrates the Watermelon. I didn't know but the Holy Spirit did. You could put it down to a freaky coincidence but I'd rather attribute it to the Spirit's sense of humor. It appears that He likes to be in all parts and details of our lives - not just the serious ones!
It's so easy in the hub bub of daily life to lose the ability to hear His still small voice. The gentle nudges on places to go; random thoughts of things to do; the left-field suggestions on how to solve problems; the reminders of people to pray for - these can all be set aside as we pursue our goals for the day. What wonders we miss!
This still small voice is the key to being able to hear, see and know your spouse and their needs. The Spirit knows them better than they know themselves. He delights in the intimate understanding that the covenant of marriage offers so why would He not lead us to timely, tender, perfect knowings of our spouse?
So take a moment to stop, breath and listen with anticipation for what the Holy Spirit will show you about your Beloved and yourself.
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