Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Love and marriage: Sacrifice

Timothy and Kathy Keller wrote a book in 2013 called "The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God". Pulling together decades of experience in preaching on marriage, pre-martial preparation, couples counseling and a long marriage themselves; the Kellers pack this book with great wisdom.

Well, to be honest I know there is wisdom up to page 47. I got to 47 and couldn't get any further. It was there that Keller gets to the uncomfortable heart or secret of marriage:

"Do for your spouse what God did for you in Jesus, and the rest will follow."

This doesn't mean that marriage is a roll-over, subservient, oppressive regime. Rather in mutuality we give all of ourselves to the other. In unconditional love we do whatever it takes to create the way for our Beloved to be free, forgiven and fulfilled. We have the chance to daily chose the selfless pursuit of another's dreams and adventures. 

Something holy happens when both spouses choose to live sacrificially for the other. And honestly, it takes Holy interventions of grace, mercy, strength and love to make those choices. It's only as one desires and pursues the transforming work of the Holy Spirit can one hope be like Christ to their spouse. 

And it's this sacrificial choice that gives flesh and bones and breath to our precious marriage vows:
 I Lisa take you Richard to be my husband, 
 to have and to hold, from this day forward
 for better, for worse, 
 for richer, for poorer, 
 in sickness and in health, 
 to love and to cherish, 
 till death us do part, according to God's holy law.
 This is my solemn vow.  

May God grant you the grace, strength, joy and courage to live a sacrificial marriage.

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