Regardless of your chosen (or current) discipline two attributes are vital to remaining a life-long learner. Wonder and Awe.
Wonder is the posture of curiosity and inquisition. Miss O at 19 months old wonders about EVERYTHING. All things must be examined, taken apart, jingled, smacked and explained. She a daily reminder that I have much to learn.
If all I wondered about was history and politics the world would be a very limited place. I do wonder what beauty and innovation could be unleashed if interdisciplinary teaching, learning, research and practice was more common place in schools, universities, businesses and churches? Perhaps the people removed from problem who operate in a different field could ask the piercing, breakthrough question or see a new solution from their different starting point.
Awe is the joyful response to the discoveries of wonder. One of Miss O's first words was "Wow!" As adults we are constrained by social convention and the belief that if we show delight in learning something new it reveals our ignorance and begets shame. When O sees something for the first time her response is exuberant awe.
In Matthew 18 Jesus' disciples are anxious to clear up "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?" In reply, Jesus calls over a child: "and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven," (ESVUK). This got me thinking - what if "becoming like children" involves opening ourselves up to being filled with Wonder and Awe? What if Wonder and Awe are vital to being humble? What if we can only see, experience, know and be changed by Christ if we are joyfully inquisitive about His creations?
I'll leave you to wonder and respond with awe at His creations:
Thank you Lisa! I needed this today. :)